Kick-Off ‘Flexible Learning’ Reading Group @TUBerlin
Last week we got to kick-off our new “Flexible Learning” reading group at the Technical University Berlin where we cover recent papers in Meta-/Transfer-/Continual & Self-supervised Learning! We started by reading the latest first-author paper by Yoshua Bengio connecting Meta-Learning with causal inference.
You can join our mailing list for more infos: click here.
Here are all the relevant infos for the next meeting:
- Date: 7th of August
- Time: 11am
- Location: MAR Building TU Berlin - room 5.013
- Paper: “Task-Driven Convolutional Recurrent Models of the Visual System” by Nayebi et al (2018; NeuRIPS)
Massive thanks goes out to the co-organizing help of Thomas Goerttler, Joram Keijser & Nico Roth! Hit me up if you are interested in joining!